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Christmas Ornaments

Animal Ornaments

Sea Glass Ornaments
Agate Slice Ornaments
Wildlife Animal Ornaments
Horse Ornament
Bear Ornaments
Bird Ornaments
Buffalo Ornaments
Camel Ornaments
Cat Ornaments
Cheetah Ornaments
Chipmunk Ornaments
Deer Ornaments
Dolphin Ornaments
Donkey Ornaments
Eagle Ornaments
Elephant Ornaments
Flamingo Ornaments
Fox Ornaments
Frog Ornaments
Giraffe Ornaments
Goat Ornaments
Gorilla Ornaments
Koala Ornaments
Lemur Ornaments
Leopard Ornaments
Lion Ornaments
Lizard Ornaments
Manatee Ornaments
Meerkat Ornaments
Monkey Ornaments
Moose Ornaments
Otter Ornaments
Owl Ornaments
Panda Ornaments
Parrot Ornaments
Peacock Ornaments
Prairie Dog Ornaments
Rabbit Ornaments
Raccoon Ornaments
Rhino Ornaments
Seal Ornaments
Sea Lion Ornaments
Shark Ornaments
Skunk Ornaments
Sloth Ornaments
Squirrels Ornaments
Swan Ornaments
Tiger Ornaments
Turtle Ornaments
Whale Ornaments
Wild Dog Ornaments
Wolf Ornaments
Zebra Ornaments
More Horse Ornaments

Miscellaneous Ornaments

Angel Ornaments
Butterfly Ornaments
Centaur Ornaments
Chess Ornaments
Dragon Ornaments
Elf Ornaments
Egyptian Ornaments
Fae Ornaments
Fairy Ornaments
Lighthouse Ornaments
Mermaid Ornaments
Merman Ornaments
Native American
Pegasus Ornaments
Pixie Ornaments
Puzzle Ornaments
Satyr Ornaments
Travel Ornaments
Unicorn Ornaments
Romantic Ornaments
Environmental Ornaments
UFO & Alien Ornaments
Dragon Ornaments
Religious Ornaments
Sunset Ornaments

Sports Ornaments

Water Sport Ornaments
Martial Arts
Scuba Diving
Race Car Driving
More Golf


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Fire Starters

Plan to make these in several colors, perhaps dark blue, Christmas green and Christmas red! White would make an interesting accent. Cinnamon and pine essential oils are great for this project.

Pine cones
Candle wax or paraffin
Candle coloring or old candle stubs
Essential oil
Double boiler or large metal coffee can and a large pot
Wax-coated wicks
Wax paper

Melt wax in top of double boiler over boiling water or melt the wax in a coffee can in a pot of boiling water on the stove. Make sure that there is enough candle wax or paraffin so that pine cones may be dipped. Use extreme caution as paraffin is extremely flammable.

After wax has melted, stir in the candle coloring (or old candle stubs) and essential oil. Lower the heat. Thread a wick through the petals of the pine cone, letting about one inch hang over the tip of the pine cone. Using the tongs, dip the pinecone into the wax. Hold over the pot for a couple seconds to let the wax harden slightly. Re-dip the pine cone into the melted wax. Re-dip as needed until the pine cone is well-coated. Set on wax paper to harden completely.

To light a fire, put a pine cone fire starter between the logs and light the wick.

To give as a gift, put fire starters in a large basket. Tie a fancy ribbon around the basket and attach a gift tag with instructions for use.


Stunning Handmade Ornaments
Sea Glass OrnamentsHandmade Genuine Sea Glass Ornaments Wire Wrapped and - Made to Order
Agate Slice Ornaments
Hand Wire Wrapped Agate Slice Ornaments - Made to Order


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